Your Wildest Dreams

Try an extreme approach if you ‘d like to meet your long-held dreams – not simple dreams your Wildest Dreams.

Radical individuals produce their own developments for getting the love, job and health they truly desire.

Nonconformists open up to choices for accomplishing “extraordinary” objectives that others do not see.

Take Christopher Columbus for instance.

Columbus played outside the box.

When traditional knowledge announced as truth the world was flat, he held the extreme concept that he might cruise over the edge and land in China rather of deep space.

This rebel sailed his clipper ships where nobody had ever preceded—— and improved individuals view of the world!

Finding Fresh Options

5 centuries back, Europeans responded with shock when they heard that the world is round.

So astonishing—— and threatening to their existing belief system—— was the discovery that people wanted to dispose of the news as rubbish.

What about enlightened people of the 21st century? If Columbus were to sail into our contemporary lives with innovative factual info about our world, would individuals believe him now? Let’s see how open we are!

Showing that the earth is round, Columbus made another similarly mind-popping discovery.

His discovery has to do with the power of cultural belief systems and how people see only what they believe they will see.

And, like the Europeans, the majority of people of our time want to dispose of Columbus’ extreme news as rubbish.

What info could be so extreme that our teachers and media—— our mythmakers — would try to exclude this important data from schoolbooks and public knowledge?

A World of Beliefs

Columbus’ arrival in the New World exposed how cultural belief systems determine what individuals see—— or do not see.

Columbus found that the native people in this new land could not see his clipper ships.

The locals were unable to see the big ships because they didn’t think that huge ships existed!

You See What You Believe

In 1492, Columbus arrived at the island of Hispaniola, now the countries of Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Up until Columbus’ arrival, the islanders had just seen and become aware of small boats—— like their own canoes.

The tribe had never seen nor become aware of large ocean-going sea craft.

When the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria showed up, the locals couldn’t see the big ships of Christopher Columbus!

And the vessels were floating in plain sight right off shore!
” I Don’t See Any Big Ships!”

Why could not the islanders see the huge boats? Because nobody in their culture had actually ever seen big boats prior to.

And no one had actually ever written or discussed big boats in their society.

The specific world that mythmakers talk and write about identifies the aspects of reality that people are able to perceive.

The world that these writers talk and write about produces a belief system special to each culture.

The myth-keepers who formed the islanders’ belief systems didn’t recognize the possibility that big ships may exist.

And the filter of this belief prevented the natives from seeing the 3 large sea vessels. … … At very first!

3 Keys for Unlocking New Possibilities

The island shaman wasn’t able to see the ships when they initially arrived. Like his tribespeople, the shaman medication man wasn’t able to see past the filters of his cultural conditioning.

Unlike the common folk of his people, the medication male was educated by radical mythmakers—— shaman seniors.

These nonconformist instructors were constantly checking out “brand-new worlds.”

From these elders, the shaman discovered that an individual just sees the elements worldwide that the person’s mind has been exposed to.

The ego-mind filters out truths that do not fit its photo of what exists in the world. But the shaman likewise learned from his instructors how to bypass the constraints of the ego-mind.

The elders provided the shaman these 3 secrets to help him see “outside the box” of his belief system—— to view the world as it truly exists.

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Key 1 – Look for a Different Pattern

The 1st secret, made well-known in the motion picture Star Wars, is to observe “a disturbance in the force.”

Anchored just offshore, Columbus’ ships are producing out-of-the-ordinary patterns in the ocean waves.

Although he can’t see the ships, the observant shaman does observe unusual variations in the waves.

Key 2 – Don’t Listen to Your Mind!

Curious, the shaman investigates the unusual wave patterns.

As he starts his questions, he uses the 2nd secret: “Don’t trust your mind!”

Generations of medication men and females have actually passed down this key to joy.

The 2nd crucial informs the shaman to the restrictions of his ego-mind.

The shaman understands that his mind only views truths that his mind has actually been exposed to by his culture.

Restricted by its belief system, the mind is uninformed of a limitless world brimming with unfiltered possibilities.

Secret 3 – Open to New Possibilities

In this instance, the shaman is not yet seeing the particular element that has actually been added or taken away.

In order to see what element has changed, he lets go of how his ego-mind “thinks” the world operates.

As an outcome of choosing to allow new possibilities into his life, the shaman sees the cause of the peculiar patterns: the never-before-imagined clipper ships!

Where Are Those Darn Car Keys?

This exceptional true story resonates with me as I recall comparable experiences in my life.

There have actually been times when I haven’t seen my vehicle keys resting on a table—— even though they were plainly noticeable

The dynamics of my circumstance are similar to those of the islanders who do not see the ships due to the fact that of their limited belief system.

At first, I don’t see my car secrets on it.

His discovery is about the power of cultural belief systems and how people see only what they believe they will see.

Columbus found that the native individuals in this brand-new land could not see his clipper ships.

The locals were unable to see the huge ships since they didn’t think that big ships existed!

When the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria arrived, the natives couldn’t see the big ships of Christopher Columbus!

As an outcome of choosing to enable brand-new possibilities into his life, the shaman sees the cause of the peculiar patterns: the never-before-imagined clipper ships!

Published On: November 1st, 2020Last Updated: November 2nd, 2020Categories: GeneralTags: ,

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